Thank you for your interest in our Dogsafe Authorized Instructor Program.
In May 2018, we put our Instructor Program on hold so that we could focus on our extremely popular eLearning courses.
After five years, we've decided to continue in this direction and have permanently closed our Instructor Program and
we're no longer accepting applications.
Our Dogsafe 101 in-person courses are still available in select cities, and taught by existing Dogsafe Authorized Instructors.
Thank you for your interest in our Dogsafe Authorized Instructor Program.
In May 2018, we put our Instructor Program on hold so that we could focus on our extremely popular eLearning courses.
After five years, we've decided to continue in this direction and have permanently closed our Instructor Program and
we're no longer accepting applications.
Our Dogsafe 101 in-person courses are still available in select cities, and taught by existing Dogsafe Authorized Instructors.
Michelle Sevigny, creator
Dogsafe® Canine First Aid
Dogsafe® Canine First Aid