A Message from the Creator of the Dogsafe® Pet Alert StickerAs a police officer, I saw pet stickers with complicated designs, tiny writing and cute cartoons and found these extremely distracting. I wanted need-to-know information, presented clearly. So when I couldn't find a sticker I liked for my own use, I designed one! I'm confident our Dogsafe pet alert stickers will be the most effective if I'm not at home and my dog, Lucy, needs help.
- Michelle Sevigny, founder of Dogsafe and designer of the Dogsafe Pet Alert sticker |
How Are Dogsafe® Pet Alert Stickers Different?
Two stickers $9.95 Canadian *includes two paper Pet Alert wallet cards too
BONUS: Dogsafe® Pet Alert Wallet Cards Included
Frequently Asked Questions
Two stickers $9.95 Canadian *includes two paper Pet Alert wallet wallet cards too
When I was a responding to emergencies, I wished more homes and vehicles had pet alert stickers.
- Michelle Sevigny, former police officer and creator of Dogsafe Canine First Aid
Behind the Scenes of the Design
Simple design
Some pet alert stickers have so much writing on them that I have no idea what the sticker is even for ... alarm stickers? Mail delivery notices? In an emergency, responders want, and need, only essential information, too much clutter and stickers could be ignored. People I asked also wanted a "smart looking" design that they could display on their stylish doors and windows. Hey, I get it, I got that covered too! Dogsafe Red Paw Our trademarked Dogsafe red paw and white cross screams "ANIMAL" and "EMERGENCY", exactly what I wanted! I didn't want it cluttered with words as it might be mistaken for an alarm sticker or even a postal or delivery notice. In an emergency, seconds count and you do not want your door walked past and ignored. In Case of Emergency (not just "In Case of Fire") Emergencies are more than fires and it may be police or disaster workers who are responding to your home. Along the same lines of exit signs displaying "Emergency Exits" and not "Fire Exits" as you want to train yourself to 'leave here' in ANY and ALL emergencies. Your mind can get hung up on weird things when faced with an emergency -- I've seen it -- I wanted to keep it clear and simple. White Letters on Black Background Good contrast makes for easy reading. In my research, more people found the white on black design easier to read than black letters on a white background design. All words are only in white, no other colours, which allows the bright red Dogsafe paw to stand out really well. Easier to read = more effective. HELP vs RESCUE Many stickers have 'Rescue' or 'Save' our Dog. As a professional dog trainer and canine first aid responder, I felt it was critical to look at the situation from a dog's perspective too. Helping a dog is a different mindset than rescuing or saving. Obviously, if it is a house fire, "help" in that case would mean to save him and take him out of the house if you can! But depending on other situations, the best thing for the dog may NOT be to stress him unnecessarily and take him out of the situation right that red hot minute. Help may mean something else. Something in the best interest of the dog. For example, what if one of your neighbours suddenly heard your dog barking non-stop, something your dog never did. Well, your neighbour may take action if the "Please Help Our Dog" sticker was clear in his mind rather than "Please Rescue Our Dog In Case of Fire". That dog needs help! Maybe your neighbour will call you, or track your phone number down, or do something to "Help" your dog. Or, if police attend for an insecure premise and see a dog cowering in the bathroom. This dog may not need to be "rescued" but does need "help". The best thing may be to leave the dog where he is but help the dog by tracking down the owners or other family members. It's a small difference, but we all the know the powerful impact of small changes. |
Two stickers $9.95 Canadian *includes two paper Pet Alert wallet cards too
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