We are proud of our graduates. |
If you are searching for a dog professional, please choose a company who has invested in canine first aid education. All companies listed below have had a minimum of one owner/staff member graduate from our Dogsafe Canine First Aid 101 course in the past.
It is strongly recommended that all dog professionals refresh their knowledge and skills with re-training at minimum every three years (when certificates expire). Please confirm their status by requesting to see their certificate directly. |
British Columbia Lower Mainland north to Pemberton and east to Hope
Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands plus Sunshine Coast
Central, Eastern and Northern BC
Have a dog business but not listed yet? |
Need the Dogsafe Certified logo for your website? |
* Dogsafe Cnnine First Aid assumes no responsibility for the professional services of the graduates and simply confirms that the businesses listed above have successfully completed a Dogsafe Canine First Aid 101 (formerly titled Dogsafe Canine First Aid Part 1) course in the past.
** Note: Certificates are valid for 3 years, please verify by asking to see their certificate. **
** Note: Certificates are valid for 3 years, please verify by asking to see their certificate. **